
The company
Our experience in the field of automation goes back thirty years – since the time new technologies were taking their first baby steps, using control systems to manage machines and internal processes at companies, reducing the need for human intervention.

For us, automation goes hand-in-hand with humanisation.
Our philosophy puts people at the centre of any technological and production activity. When we research and design any automation system, we think of the most effective system for improving the quality of people’s work (operators, managers and users).

Reviewing the approach to automation in terms of integration between digitalised systems and value-added processes means adding the human contribution to automation systems, taking into consideration two main issues: the complementary roles of technologies and people; and security in terms of workers’ health and reliability of data.

People have to cover for the tasks machines are able to support, offering added value to the process. It would not make sense, in fact, for the operators to duplicate the activity of the machines, because the quality of the end result would be poorer, and there are things that could deteriorate physically, which would become unsustainable over time.